>Skin quiz

Personalized Skin Quiz: What is my skin type?

Beautiful red-haired girl with flawless skin looking straight forward
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We believe that knowing your skin type is key to an effective and satisfying skincare routine.

But determining your skin type is not easy. There is so much confusing information out there, and even more product choice. That's why we created this Personalized Skin Quiz for you.

The Skin Quiz helps you to:

Determine your skin type and skin concerns

Understand your skin condition

Find effective skincare for YOUR skin πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰

By knowing your skin type and skin concerns, you understand what your skin needs. With the help of this personalized skin quiz, you can easily find products that give your skin exactly what it needs.

The result: effective and satisfying skincare for YOUR UNIQUE skin.

πŸ’‘ This skin quiz is based on the Glow Coach algorithm. The goal is to help you understand your skin and simplify your product search at Glow Coach.

Quick intro: Skin type and skin concern

Both - your skin type and your skin concern - describe your skin condition.

What does your skin type tell you?

There are 4 main skin types*:

  1. 1. Oily skin
  2. 2. Combination skin
  3. 3. Dry skin
  4. 4. Normal skin

Your skin can be classified into one of the 4 skin types. The skin type you have depends on the amount of oil / lipids your skin produces naturally.

Our skin produces two types of lipids:

1. Sebum
... is produced by the so-called sebaceous glands. It eventually flows onto the skin surface. Excessive sebum production makes the skin look shiny and oily.

2. Intercellular lipids
... are produced in the upper layers of the skin by tiny organisms called lamellar bodies. Intercellular lipids are key components of our skin barrier.

*There are more possible skin type combinations (mix of 2), but it’s usually enough to classify your skin into 1 of the 4 main skin types. This keeps things simple.

What are skin concerns?

Skin concerns describe (temporary) imbalances of the skin. They also depend on your desired skin condition and preferences. That’s why they may change over time.

You can have none, one, or more skin concerns at the same time.

Note that skin concerns affect all skin types (oily skin, combination skin, dry skin, normal skin).

Common skin concerns are: dehydration, (hyper)pigmentation, acne-prone skin, acne, clogged pores, fungal acne, anti-aging, sensitivity or wrinkles, and fine lines.

Our skin quiz helps you determine your skin type, as well as your skin concerns. Great, right? :)