
Check ingredients in products from Drunk Elephant

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About Drunk Elephant

The name Drunk Elephant is rooted in a myth. The story goes that elephants love to eat the fruit that has fallen from marula trees (they do), and the natural alcohol content from the fermented marula fruit then gets the elephants drunk (it doesn’t).

When skin is exposed to irritants and sensitizers, damage can be imperceptible and cumulative, leaving it in a reactive mode. We believe we have sensitive skin, but it's often really just skin that has become sensitized over time, which is a problem that can be easily addressed.
When I created Drunk Elephant, I isolated the most effective ingredients—both synthetic and natural—that directly benefit the health of the skin. I formulated the products using a high percentage of active ingredients at skin-friendly pH levels, and I made sure that all of the ingredients were recognized by the skin and easily absorbed. A routine is only as good as its worst product, and a product only as good as its worst ingredient. In other words, it takes just one bad guy to ruin the party.
We think of Drunk Elephant as an ingredient-elimination philosophy for a total skin reset. Using these products exclusively is the best way to get maximum results. So I invite you to take a #drunkbreak. See what happens when your skin returns to its healthiest, most balanced state. You may find that your skin is so smooth and even and glowing that you can go without makeup.

Note: Information is taken from the Drunk Elephant Official Website .